
Did you know 90 % of New Year’s resolutions never get fulfilled?

So if you’ve ever found yourself on December 31st, wondering what happened to all of the big goals you set for yourself back on the previous New Year’s Eve, and why you’re not taking action on your goals, you’re certainly not alone.

So, let’s look at what separates the 10 percent who DO achieve their goals from the vast majority who don’t?

The answer has everything to do with ACTION.

The people who achieve great success in life are the ones who are willing to take consistent action toward realizing their dreams. They’re the ones who jump out of their seat to get the ball rolling — on the new project at work, the new skill they want to learn, or the promotion they want to get.

They consistently take steps to make their goals happen, no matter what others may think or say about it. Most importantly, they realize that the decisive moments of their lives aren’t just in the big, once-a-year big scary leaps of faith and goal-setting. They’re in the countless small decisions they make and actions they take every single day that keep them on target toward achieving their dreams.

Because without regular and decisive action, your goals simply are not going to be achieved. No matter how ambitious your goals, or how brilliant your plans are for achieving them, if you’re not prepared to take regular consistent action to reach them, they’re not really goals at all—they’re just wishes, fantasies and daydreams.

“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all.”  

– J.K. Rowling 

Here are 4 powerful tips for developing an action-focused mindset and lifestyle that will help you make steady and sustainable progress toward your goals.

1. Eliminate ALL Excuses:

Because if you’re looking for a reason to delay taking action, you will always be able to find one. To achieve your goals this year, you have to give up all of your excuses.

2. Don’t Wait For The Perfect Moment:

There is no such thing as the perfect moment. You might tell yourself that now is not a good time because you’re busy at work, or have a project you’d like to finish first, or there’s too much going on with your family right now.

But there is ALWAYS going to be something going on in your life.

If you want to take action on your dreams, you can’t just wait for the right time to come. You have to make NOW the right time and just go for it, taking whatever steps you can take right now.

3. Take The First Step

The next piece of advice is to simply START by taking that first step. You don’t achieve it all in one fell swoop! Success is a journey that takes place over time.

And the most important action you will take on that journey is that very first step.

4. “Fail Forward Faster”

Don’t let fear of failure stop you from taking action. Instead, recognize that some amount of failure is inevitable. You’re not going to get everything right the first time. You are going to make mistakes. And that’s okay!

Making mistakes is how you learn.  And the knowledge you gain about what didn’t work is invaluable and will help you get better results with your next attempt.

This is known as “failing forward” — using each failure to launch you closer to your dreams and goals – closer to your vision of your ideal life.

How did you do whatever it takes to complete action items of the week?

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